Thursday, December 12, 2013

Status Quo

Honestly, there's not much to update. No more interactions from the lawyer. The back is not getting better. I'm starting to wonder if my pills are actually working. If they are, how much pain would I be in if I didn't take them? Sometimes you wonder about that.

The back has seemed to have gotten worse in the evening. I wonder if that's because of the cold temperatures we've been having of late. That, or I'm just getting worse.

Even though I didn't write last night, I did have a hard time in finding a positive for yesterday. Even thinking back, I can't really find anything that would have been considered a real positive. Today was better. Watched Serenity, so I can now cross Firefly off my tv viewing list. And I got my hair done so I feel more like myself with that. That's a good thing.

Terrible sore throat though. Don't really need that on top of the back though.

So I guess my back is more or less working on the status quo and I'm just updating just to say that...there's no real update.

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