Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Christmas Time

I haven't updated in a few days, and frankly, I should probably stay away from blogger tonight and tomorrow.

Without going into more details than necessary (basically, if you know things, you know more details about what I'm going on with here), Christmas isn't a great time for me. My sister passed away on Christmas morning 5 years ago, and this day hasn't been the same since.

Though honestly, I haven't felt a lot of Christmas spirit in years before then either.

I don't want to go into details, since this is not what this blog is for, but this Christmas isn't shaping up to much either.

So, let's just leave it at that and focus on today's positives.

My back has been pretty good today. That's definitely a positive. Maybe my bath salts last night worked well. Got some nice gifts too, so that's good.

And while I don't have my low notes, I have my high notes. It's usually opposite when I have a bad throat. And as a soprano, I need the high notes.

So I guess that's it. Like I said, I'll probably avoid this for a few days as this is supposed to be a soapbox for my back problems and not my personal/emotional problems.

Merry Christmas.

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