Monday, January 13, 2014


I did the acupuncture today! It wasn't as bad as I thought it'd be. There wasn't much pain, and you could hardly feel the needles going in. And I have another appointment next week.

There's a lot more to acupuncture than I thought. It's not just stabbing you with needles. There are certain places that are connected to other places and affect here and there. And we had to discuss my past and current medical conditions. We had to discuss the fact that I'm always cold. Always cold. Even when she took my hands, she said "wow, they really ARE cold". Knowing if I'm hot or cold helps determine if I'm better suited for hot or cold treatment. Since I'm always cold, I'd be more sensitive to cold and would then respond better to hot. Makes sense considering...well...a lot of things.

The needles going in were fine. I couldn't feel it much. Felt the ones in my hands and the ones in my feet a lot. The thing is, you don't touch my feet. Especially the bottoms of my feet. If I kicked my best friend and made him fall down because he touched my feet, imagine what I'd do to a stranger. But she touched very gently and I still felt the urge to kick her. And my foot jerked too, so, really, they're sensitive.

After I got stuck with needles, we turned on a heat lamp and relaxing music and I was there for about 15-20 minutes. Partway through, I guess I slightly re-positioned  my shoulders or something and then I felt the needles there. And then I felt the needles elsewhere. And then my back started to spasm a little. I was thinking about calling out to her that I was getting really uncomfortable, but then she came back in. She took the needles off and I was good to go. I felt a bit dizzy getting up but my back did feel better. Though by the time I left the building and started home, it started to hurt again. It still hurts. So hopefully in the next few sessions, things will get better.

Also hoping that the lawyer will get things straightened out and pick up the tab. They told me that I was approved for acupuncture and to let them know who I was seeing so they could tell them to bill them. I did that. They haven't contacted anyone yet. So I had to pay out of pocket for this session, but I have the receipt.

So that's acupuncture. I'll keep the updates.

And I have three major positives today! One, I have awesome co-workers. We frequently tell one that she's not right in the head and she's hilarious. Always bringing the smiles. All of them do. And they were just awesome today. Second positive was the reception I got from the cat when I got home. She was just so happy to see me. I didn't get the red dot, like she wanted, since my back hurt and I needed to lie down. She jumped on my chest and laid down and purred. Again, just so happy I was home. And the third positive...NEW ARCHER TONIGHT! And new How I Met Your Mother and it was a Slapsgiving episode and there's one slap left! I won't give spoilers for that in case you haven't seen it. But super excited for Archer, but that might be another positive for another day since I won't be watching it tonight. Thank god for DVRs.

So that's it. I'll keep people posted on how things go.

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