Sunday, February 23, 2014

Micro Update

It seems that my blog now gets updated once a week. I guess that's just the life of blogging. No real updates. Haven't heard from the insurance adjuster so I don't know when or if I'll have acupuncture again. On Friday, when I was suppose to have an appointment, I could start to feel myself need it. Not so bad now since I've had some time to rest the weekend.

I'm hoping that I can get more sessions soon because I need it. At the end of the day I'm still a little sore. I still get some twitches and tingles and pangs. I still get a spasm now and again. Some kids at work I still have trouble lifting. So, yeah, I'm not 100% yet. Need my sessions.

I guess that's it really. Not much to update when nothing is happening. So just thought I'd let you know all that.

I have been able to do more walking, so that's good, especially since I'm trying to lose those few pounds I've regained. Watching calories too, since, that will help in the long run. My walking is still slower than it was but at least I'm trying. That's the main thing, right?

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