As expected, the back is doing that the thing where after acupuncture, I'm in pain for the next few days, and then I'm fine in the morning and hurting by the end of the day. For some reason, the acupuncturist thinks this means I need to increase my visits, which means an appointment on Tuesday and Thursday. It'll be interesting to see how this goes.
This weekend has definitely proven that I'm fine in the morning and worse in evenings. I experienced that both days. Saturday's pain might have come from the walking I insisted on doing. After a quick coffee with my friend and his girlfriend, I got dropped off at the supermarket to pick up a few things and I said I'd walk down. I was in some pain by the time I got home. And then I went out with my roommate, and I did a bit of walking too. So, more pain.
But it's necessary. As I've said, I can't keep sitting around. I need to lose this bit of weight I gained, and I can't do that sitting on my ass, not moving because I'll experience some pain. As long as I don't get it so bad that I can barely move, I'm going to do it. Because I have to.
Maybe I feel like I have something to prove. Maybe I'm stubborn. Either way, I'm doing this.
I'm also battling this head cold, and I think that's taking some pressure off the back pain. Basically, when I have something else physical to deal with, it's like the back says "ok, we're going to deal with this first, and then I will go back to hurting you." Hopefully this will go away soon.
Not much in the way of positives today. I have a cold, not nice weather, couldn't sing well because of sinuses and back, and I want to destroy my internet. Positives over the weekend included seeing a movie with a friend who I haven't seen in a while because she's been away, and doing some socialization with people I don't know well on Friday. That was a fun night, and I'm glad I went.
So that's about it. I will keep the masses informed about how two sessions of acupuncture goes.
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