I've been a way for a bit and if anyone was really worried, I'm sure they'd ask. But since most people, if not everyone, sees this from either Facebook or Twitter and I've been updating from there. Being away from blogger because we kinda fell into a crisis here, even if the premier said it's not a crisis. Basically, frigid temperatures combined with a blizzard and increased energy usage made the place go ka-boom! Generators went down and we're pretty much in a Blackout '14. Had rolling blackouts and everything.
So how has the back fared in all this? Not too bad. I think it helps that I don't shovel. Or rather, can't shovel. I think a magic shovel fairy comes and shovels the steps and plows the parking lot of the building, since I've never seen anyone do it. It's just done. But even if I did have to shovel, I wouldn't be able to. That's definitely something that would hurt the back.
The last few days haven't had much an update. I haven't really been doing much, what with the power outages and all. But then when I went to work today, there was some pangs while I was cleaning. There's that conversation about balance again. I didn't do much over the weekend, I go to do stuff and then owie. I really have to learn howto balance that, and it's not easy.
I want to touch on something I've been thinking about the last few days. For those who don't know, I used to weigh 215lbs. I currently weigh about 155lbs. It fluctuates. I've been very proud of being able to keep that weight off the last little while. One of my fears is that I'll gain all that weight back. An important method of keeping weight off is exercise. I used to do that a lot. I use to walk everywhere. I had gym access at an old job and I was there usually 3 times a week. But now, I can't do that. It's been made clear that I can't walk like I used to. I've asked people to slow down because I can't keep up with them anymore. I can't walk the same distances as I used to without feeling pain.
But what about other exercises? We know that shoveling is out, so no exercise from that. Treadmills, ellipticals, probably bikes, that's out. I like doing cardio, but I don't know what cardio I can do that won't hurt my back.
So I guess that's it. I haven't contacted lawyers yet. With the blackouts and holidays, I doubt anyone is in. I will get back to them by the end of the week. Tis my goal!
That's all the news. Again, not much, but that's the way it is. Hope everyone had a safe holiday and stayed nice and warm during our non-crisis time.
I almost forgot the positives! The positive of today is...I got the bus just in the nick of time. That was good. I also got a great amount of gear and a mount and pet and some achieves on WoW in the last little while. That was good too.
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