Today was a fairly average day in terms of back pain. Fine in the morning, slowly getting worse during the day, better with rest, spasms thrown in there randomly just because.
I finally figured out one of the best ways to describe the pain, since I'm not good at it. Basically, it feels like someone just randomly coming up and punching you in the back. In my case, it's the lower back muscles. Sometimes, it feels like the spine. That's probably not a good thing. Other times, it feels more like someone coming up and stabbing you in the back. Only lightly though. And it's always hard to explain this to my doctor because these kind of feelings come later in the day than when my appointment is. I'll need to remember it the next time I go.
Also, if it feels like a light stabbing, and I don't like that, will I even like the acupuncture? No word from the lawyer about that yet. But of course, the longer they take, the longer I'm in pain. The longer I'm in pain, the more money I get. The more money I get, the more money they get. So it's in their best interest to take a long time in getting me the help I need.
In the meantime, I'm going to have to do my own home remedies to deal with the pain. On the advice of a friend on Facebook, I went to a local store and bought some bath salts. I tried them tonight and they were so good! I've had baths before to relax the muscles, but not the bath salts. It did add to the relaxing atmosphere and I could feel the muscles in my back relaxing a lot more.
The only problem is that I hurt when I got up. Unfortunately, I can't spend all night in the bath tub because it makes the pain go away.
Not much of an update tonight, but I didn't really do much. Not too bad on the singing today because nothing was overly high and caused problems with the posture and hurting the back. I spend most of the day either sitting or lying down so that wasn't too bad either.
I guess the most difficult was when I went out getting the bath salts. Went with a friend who wanted to go to that store anyways. It was a nice store. A lot of cool bits of jewelry and decoration. And there was a lot of positive message things that made my feels uncomfortable. I'm not sure if I'm not ready to deal with that, or if I just don't want to deal with that, but it did bring tears to the eyes when I read things like that. Maybe because there's a big part of me that doesn't believe it.
Why do my posts, which is supposed to be about my dealing with the back, always swing back around to the underlying depression?
Maybe that's a bigger problem than the back and one is making the other worse?
Where's my positive of today? The bath was one, and this adorable article about a lion cub playing with leaves. Those pictures were adorable.
OH! The best positive of all! I found this. It might be the best thing I've ever seen. If you're a TNG Trekkie, you'll love it.
Good night.
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